Everything has changed
I updated my /now page, which involved rewriting the whole damn thing. Why? Because everything changed this week. I'm counting it for #WeblogPoMo2024 because, as...
I updated my /now page, which involved rewriting the whole damn thing. Why? Because everything changed this week. I'm counting it for #WeblogPoMo2024 because, as...
My dad Norman passed away this week at age 89. I've started putting together a remembrance site for him, and it's hard not to consider...
I posted about several useful ways to use email aliases, especially if you have your own domain. [9/31] for #WeblogPoMo2024 [11/100] for #100DaystoOffload
I posted about how I use location-based reminders in iOS, especially on a recent road trip. [8/31] for #WeblogPoMo2024 [10/100] for #100DaystoOffload
I posted 46 reasons why you should have a website. I'm bummed that too few of my friends have their own. It's not an exhaustive...
I just posted this short guide to starting a simple blog for #WeblogPoMo2024. I've been needing a simple post to direct friends to when I...
I added an /interests page to my website, hitting the general highlights and adding a message form for any conversations that ensue. [5/31] for #WeblogPoMo2024...
After far too long of an absence, I finally reposed a blogroll on rscottjones.com. I'm not sure when it dropped off my homepage design, but...
Here are some suggestions for pages you should have on your personal website, with the default locations user might expect.
I reposted the twitter thread that describes the story of my epic quest to visit all 419 National Parks for #weblogpomo2024.